Associate Degree

Associate Degree Programs

Daltown University understands the reasons people opt for an Associate Degree that is affordable, flexible and accessible to all. An online Associate Degree can be used to transfer credits and earn a Bachelor's Degree in lesser time. For these, and many more reasons, Daltown University maximizes the benefits its' students get out of their time and money.

Our Associate's Degree Programs are recognized worldwide. Our accredited associate's degree program offers a variety of majors through 16 schools.

Associate Degree

Our Associate's Degree offers courses from any of the professional schools in addition to the basic courses required to complete an Associate's Degree. With 78 credit hours, it takes almost a year to complete the program at a self- paced and flexible learning mode.

The Associate of Arts Degree

The Associate of Arts degree is a formal qualification for students who wish to transfer to other degree programs. It is also preferred by students coming from other educational institutions, or those who want to enhance their qualification for better employment prospects. This program imparts the necessary knowledge and skills to students whose educational or career goals are in the humanities, the creative and performing arts, and the social sciences.

Associate Degree (with specialization)

Our Associate's Degree offers courses with specialization in 71 majors through its 16 schools. These are in addition to the basic courses required to complete an Associate's Degree. With 96 credit hours, it takes a year to complete the program at a self- paced and flexible learning mode.

CHOOSE Daltown

At Daltown, you will be challenged, and you will be mentored. In choosing Daltown, you will take the first step toward
your future career and becoming your future self.

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The Associate of Arts Degree

Eligibility Total Courses Total Credit Hours Program
Completion Time
High School Diploma, GED or equiv. International Education 10 60 1 Year (Self-paced)

Associate Degree (any school)

Eligibility Total Courses Total Credit Hours Program
Completion Time
High School Diploma, GED or equiv. International Education 13 78 1 Year (Self-paced)

Associate Degree (w. specialization)

Eligibility Total Courses Total Credit Hours Program
Completion Time
High School Diploma, GED or equiv. International Education 16 96 1 Year (Self-paced)

Below is the tuition fee for our associate degree programs:

Programs Total Courses Credit Hours Program Fee ($)
Associate of Arts Degree 10 60 $4500
Associate Degree (any school) 13 78 $5850
Associate Degree (w. specialization) 16 96 $7200